Simon Martiel and Bruno Martin:
An intrinsically universal family of causal graph dynamics
Martin Kutrib, Andreas Malcher and Matthias Wendlandt:
Tinput-Driven Pushdown Automata
Matthew Patitz, Jacob Hendricks and Trent Rogers:
The Simulation Powers and Limitations of Higher Temperature Hierarchical Self-Assembly Systems
Dmitry Zaitsev:
Universality in Infinite Petri Nets
Sergiu Ivanov and Sergey Verlan:
Universality of Graph-controlled Leftist Insertion-deletion Systems with Two States
Martin Kutrib and Matthias Wendlandt:
Reversible Limited Automata
Sándor Vályi and Benedek Nagy:
A Characterization of NP within Interval-Valued Computing
Frank Drewes, Markus Holzer, Sebastian Jakobi and Brink van der Merwe:
Tight Bounds for Cut-Operations on Deterministic Finite Automata
Henning Fernau, Rudolf Freund, Rani Siromoney and K G Subramanian:
Contextual Array Grammars with Regular Control and Local Selectors
Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú, Rudolf Freund and György Vaszil:
A Connection Between Red-Green Turing Machines and Watson-Crick T0L Systems